This quarterly medical journal is an official scientific journal of the Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia in collaboration with German-Indonesian Medical Association (DIGM).

Abstracted and indexed in: EBSCO host, ASEAN Citation Index, BASE, CABI, CiteFactor, CNKI, Crossref , Dimensions, DOAJ, Electronic Journals Library, Embase, ESCI, GARUDA, Google Scholar, Hinari, IMSEAR, ISC, J-Gate , JournalTOCs, Microsoft Academic, Mendeley, PKP index, Proquest, ROAD, Scilit, Scopus, SINTA, Ulrichsweb Global Serial Directory, WorldCat.

Accredited journal (2020-2024) based on Ministerial Decree of the Minister of Research and Technology / Head of National Research and Innovation Agency of the Republic of Indonesia No. 148/M/KPT/2020.

Online First

Meity Ardiana, I Gde Rurus Suryawan, Hanestya Oky Hermawan, Primasitha Maharani Harsoyo Putri, Safira Rahma


  DOI : https://doi.org/10.13181/mji.oa.247273
  Abstract views: 0    PDF downloads: 0


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Current Issue

Vol. 33 No. 2 (2024): June
Published: 2024-07-24



Basic Medical Research

Clinical Research

Community Research

Case Report/Series

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