Epinephrine in the tumescent technique for hypospadia surgery


  • Theddeus O.H. Prasetyono
  • Nandita M. Putri




Epinephrine, hypospadia, tumescent technique
Abstract viewed: 1281 times
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The use of tumescent technique, which contains epinephrine, in penile surgery has not been reported previously. Two patients with hypospadias had reconstructive operation using tumescent technique with a "One-per-Mil" tumescent solution containing epinephrine intra-operatively. The results was a clear operation field, almost bloodless during dissection, and no complication on the penis after epinephrine injection with minimal edema. Apparently, the "One-per-Mil" tumescent solution acts as a natural hydro-dissector creating avascular anatomic tissue planes for easier and more rapid dissection in surgery for hypospadias. We suggest that epinephrine is safe to be injected in penis as a future area of clinical practice. (Med J Indones. 2012;21:175-8)


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How to Cite

Prasetyono TO, Putri NM. Epinephrine in the tumescent technique for hypospadia surgery. Med J Indones [Internet]. 2012Aug.1 [cited 2025Feb.23];21(3):175-8. Available from: http://mji.ui.ac.id/journal/index.php/mji/article/view/495



Case Report/Series
Abstract viewed = 1281 times
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