Management of epilepsy in elderly

  • Harsono Harsono
Keywords: epilepsy, elderly, management, concomitant illness, pharmacokinetic
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Management of epilepsy in elderly requires understanding the unique biochemical and pharmacological characteristics of these patients. Management decisions must be based on accurate classification of seizures or epilepsy syndromes, a thorough neurological assessment to define etiology, and a comprehensive assessment of the patient’s health and living situation. Concomitant illnesses such as neurological, psychiatric, metabolic, or cardiac disorders will require individualization of plans and instructions. Specific problems of treatment of epilepsy in the elderly compared to childhood patients are as follows: distinctive range of causes of epilepsy, distinctive differential diagnosis, concurrent pathologies unrelated to epilepsy, pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic differences, and distinctive psychosocial effects. (Med J Indones 2003; 12: 40-7) 

Keywords: epilepsy, elderly, management, concomitant illness, pharmacokinetic


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How to Cite
Harsono H. Management of epilepsy in elderly. Med J Indones [Internet]. 2003Feb.1 [cited 2024Sep.21];12(1):40-7. Available from:
Review Article