Breast cancer risk factors among Sundanese and other ethnic groups in Indonesia


  • Setyawati Budiningsih Department of Community Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta 10320.
  • Yoshiyuki Ohno Ohno Department of Preventive Medicine, School of Medicine, Nagoya University, Nagoya 466.
  • Joedo Prihartono Department of Community Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta 10320.
  • Drupadi S. Dillon Department of Nutrition, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta 10430.
  • Gunawan Tjahjadi Department of Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta 10320
  • Esti Soetrisno Department of Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta 10320
  • Endang Hardjolukito Department of Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta 10320
  • Muchlis Ramli Department of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta 10430.
  • Idwal Darwis Department of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta 10320
  • Didid Tjindarbumi Department of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta 10430.
  • Goi Sakamoto Department of Pathology, Cancer Institute Hospital, Tokyo 170
  • Kenji Wakai Department of Preventive Medicine, School of Medicine, Nagoya University, Nagoya 466
  • Santoso Cornain Department of Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta 10320



Penelitian cara kasus-kontrol telah dilakukan untuk analisafaktor risiko pada kanker payudara wanita Indonesia. Tiga ratus kasus dan 600 kontrol diwawancara menggunakan kuesioner baku untuk pengumpulan data epidemiologik. Subyek diteliti untuk berbagai data demografik, status reproduksi, perilaku seks, kebiasaan makan dan cara-cara hidup lain. Data dianalisa untuk menentukan faktor risiko yang bermakna menggunakan analisa univariat dan multivariat. Perhatian khusus diberikan untuk evaluasi faktor risiko berkaitan dengan golongan etnik yang berbeda. Suku Sunda, yang dikenal berbeda dengan suku-suku lain dalam hal kebiasaan makan dan cara hidup yang lebih tradisional, dibandingkan dangan suku-sulw non-Sunda. Hasilnya menampakkan bahwa faktor-faktor risiko berikut: tingkat sosial ekonomi dan pendidikan, tempat tinggal (pedesaan versus perkotaan), status perkawinan dan pekerjaan tidak bermakna, se­ dangkan di antara suku non-Sunda, menstruasi yang tidak teratur dan trauma payudara meningkatkan risiko, dengan OR dan C/95% masing-masing = 1,60; 1,12-2,28 dan 1,89; 1,02-3,48. Pengaruh semacam itu ditunjukkan juga oleh populasi seluruhnya. Peningkatan risiko karena kebiasaan makan ditunjukkan oleh konsumsi makanan yang mengandung santan dan daging berlemak, baik pada suku Sunda maupun non-Sunda dan pada populasi seluruhnya. Rasia Odd (OD) pada suku Sunda lebih tinggi daripada OD pada kelompok lain, yaitu 1,95 versus 1,31 dan 1,43 untuk makanan yang mengandung santan dan 1,93 versus 1,37 dan 1,47 untuk daging berlemak. Penurunan risiko ditunjukkan oleh konsumsi sari sayuran/buah pada suku Sunda dan populasi seluruhnya dengan OD yang lebih rendah pada suku Sunda, yaitu 0,31 versus 0,61. Pengaruh protektif tersebut ditunjukkan juga oleh konsumsi sayuran segar; telur dan daging tidak berlemak pada suku Sunda dan populasi seluruhnya, dengan nilai OD yang mirip. Dengan analisa multivariat, pengaruh konsumsi telur dikonfirmasi baik pada suku Sunda maupun non-Sunda, sedangkan pengaruh sari sayuran dan buah hanya terlihat pada suku Sunda dan pengaruh susu hanya terlihat pada suku non-Sunda. Abstract A case control study has been performed for analyzing risk factors of breast cancer in Indonesia females. Three hundred cases and 600 controls were interviewed using standard questionnaires for epidemiological data collection. The subjects were probed for various demographic data, reproductive status, sexual behaviors, dietary habits and other lifestyles. The data were analyzed for determining significant risk factors using both univariate and multivariate analysis. Special attention has been pay on evaluating the risk factors in relation to different ethnic groups. Sundanese ethnic group known to differ in their dietary habits and certain lifestyles to the other ethnic groups, was compared to non-Sundanese. The results showed that among Sundanese, the following risk factors: socio-economic and education levels, living area ( rural versus urban), marital status and working status were not significant, while among non-Sundanese, the irregular menstruation and breast trauma increased the risk, with OR and 95%Cl of 1.60; 1.12-2.28 and 1.89; 1.02-3.48 respectively. Such an effect was shown also by the whole population. Increased risk due to dietary habits was shown by intakes of coconut milk con­ taining food and fatty meat in both Sundanese and non-Sundanese groups and in the whole population. The Odds ratios (OD) in the Sundanese were higher than the OD in the others, i.e. 1.95 versus 1.31 and 1.43 for coconut milk containing food and 1.93 versus 1.37 dan 1.47 for fatty meat. Decreased risk was shown by vegetable(fruit intake in the Sundanese and the whole population, with lower Odds Ratio in the farmer; i.e. 0.31 versus 0.61. Such protective effect was also shown by intakes of fresh vegetable, egg and non-fatty meat in the non-Sundanese group and in the whole population, with similar figures of Odds Ratios. By multivariate analysis, the effect of egg consumption was confirmed in both Sundanese and non-Sundanese, while the effect of vegetable(fruit juice was only seen in Sundanese and the effect of milk was only seen in non-Sundanese. Keywods: Breast cancer; case control study, ethnic analysis, risk factors.


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How to Cite

Budiningsih S, Ohno YO, Prihartono J, Dillon DS, Tjahjadi G, Soetrisno E, et al. Breast cancer risk factors among Sundanese and other ethnic groups in Indonesia. Med J Indones [Internet]. 1999 Apr. 1 [cited 2025 Mar. 12];8(2):128-32. Available from:



Medical Journal of Indonesia

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